EMDR Network of Greater Kansas City
What we do
The EMDR Network of Greater Kansas City (EMDRGKC) is a volunteer organization which supports continued learning and skill development in the application of EMDR therapy. It also facilitates the exchange of innovations that emerge from the EMDR community nationally and internationally to local members.
Becoming a Member
Are you EMDR trained?
To be a member of the EMDR Network of Greater Kansas City, it is expected that you have completed at least part of an EMDRIA Approved EMDR training. There is no charge for membership. To join, email us and include in your message from whom you received your EMDR training.
Benefits of membership include the following.
EMDR Therapist Directory
Get listed and start receiving referrals
Members are eligible to be listed for free in our EMDR Therapist Directory. This directory can be viewed and downloaded on our Home page by those in the public seeking an EMDR therapist and other clinicians wanting to make referrals.
EMDR Therapists: click here to be added to our Directory OR to update your current listing.
EMDRGKC Facebook Group
Connect with local EMDR therapists on Facebook
The EMDRGKC Facebook Group is a closed group available for
resource sharing and referrals (without Personal Health Information). Due to online confidentiality issues, case consultation is not allowed. Approval to join the Group requires the reading of the EMDRGKC Facebook Group Policies and Guidelines and appropriate credentials (e.g., EMDR training).
To find us, copy and paste the following into your web browser:
EMDR Study Group
Learn from other EMDR therapists
EMDR therapy has a steep learning curve, so therapists often need support and encouragement to gain professional confidence and mastery of EMDR clinical skills. They often benefit from conferring with experienced trauma therapists about standard and innovative approaches with challenging clients. For this reason, a FREE monthly EMDR Study Group for any mental health professional who has completed at least part of an EMDRIA Approved Basic EMDR Training is available:
2nd Thursday of Every Month
8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
This Group meets via Zoom. For more information email larrynieters@gmail.com.
Do you like to read books about EMDR?
Meet via Zoom with EMDR colleagues to discuss books about EMDR therapy and other relevant topics. The next EMDRGKC Book Club meeting is on Thursday, March 6 from 7:15pm to 8:15pm (Central time). We will be discussing Section 3 - chapters 10 through 12 of EMDR Therapy Treatment for Grief and Mourning: Transforming the Connection to the Deceased Loved One by Roger M. Solomon, Ph.D., Program Director, EMDR Institute.
For more information and to receive the Zoom link, email Susan at emdrGkc@gmail.com
1st Thursday of Every Month
7:15 p.m. to 8:15 p.m.
To see a list of books/magazines/articles previously read by our book club, click here.
EMDR Research Focused Study Group
Learn about EMDR research
Join other EMDR therapists to learn about research based topics such as Multicultural Issues & EMDR and Alternative Therapies & EMDR. This group is open to EMDR certified therapists and clinicians in the process of actively becoming certified.
1st Saturday of Every Month
1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Free CEs Provided
For more information and to obtain the Zoom link contact:
Alfredo Munoz, Ed. S, LCPC at 816-668-3967
or Paul Hendrix, LPC at 816-875-6120